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  • 111、How to import products reviews from CJ to Shopify store?

    At present, you can import product reviews to your Shopify store. Tutorial

    Here're the main steps:

    1. Login Shopify admin to install Product Reviews (App);

    2. Export Reviews from the CJ platform (10,000 reviews at most for a product);

    3. Modify Reviews CSV file;

    4. Import Reviews (CSV file) at Products Reviews in your Shopify store.

  • 112、Available tutorials for eBay customers.

    Here're the available tutorials for eBay customers, please kindly check.

    1. Authorization:  How to Connect eBay with CJ?

    2. List Products: How to List Products to eBay?

    3. Connect Products: Use CJ Automatic Connection Feature

    5. Sync Orders: How to Sync Store Orders?

  • 113、How to set up price rules on CJ?

    1. Add the product to Queue;

    2. Find the product in My CJ > Products > Listed > Queue;

    3. Select the product and click "Bulk Listing" to choose your pricing rules;

    4. Click "Start Listing" to make it.

    For more details, please refer to this tutorial.

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